Assassin snails are an effective way to control unwanted nuisance snail populations. These predatory snails can quickly reduce the number of pests in an aquarium and they tend to do so without interfering with other inhabitants. That said, you are wise to be concerned about what impact an assassin snail may have on your mystery snails. It is possible that the assassin snail may think of them as food or competition for resources, but there is no guarantee that it will happen. Ready on, to find out, Do Assassin Snails Eat Mystery Snails?.

The size of the assassin will be a factor here; larger species or individuals may not target the smaller mystery snails, at least not until their appetites increase significantly. Generally speaking, if the mystery snails are larger than golf-ball-sized, then they should be safe from predation by the assassin snail.
However, it is still wise to first introduce the predator into a separate tank and observe its behavior before letting it loose in your main aquarium. This will avoid any potential risk while also giving you time to assess if this really is a suitable solution for getting rid of your pond snail problem.
In addition to size and behavior, there are other factors that should be taken into consideration before introducing an assassin snail. Some species may prefer a different type of diet than others, so it is important to research the dietary habits of the specific species you are dealing with. It is also important to note that when an assassin snail is hungry, it can become very aggressive and may even attack healthy snails in the tank. So, it is important to make sure that your aquarium is well-fed with plenty of food before introducing an assassin snail.
Tank Considerations
Tank parameters are essential to creating a safe and healthy environment for aquatic life. When setting up a tank or maintaining optimum water quality, there are a few significant factors to keep in mind. For instance, it is important to ensure that the temperature of your tank is kept within a certain range, as well as that the pH and KH levels remain balanced.
For snails specifically, the ideal temperature should range from 68° – 75° F (20° – 24° C), with a pH of 6.5 – 8.0 and KH of 2 – 14 dKH. The minimum recommended tank size for snails should be two gallons per snail; however, larger tanks can also be used if desired. Additionally, it is important to make sure there is adequate aeration and filtration; this helps keep stress levels low to create a comfortable habitat for all aquatic life in your aquarium.
Keep Assassin Snails Well Fed
High quality protein-based foods such as blood worms, brine shrimp, fish pellets and any locally available plant matter should be added to keep them full and content most of the time so they do not eat other tank inhabitants. It is important that you monitor the feeding habits of your assassins and make sure to assess if they still have enough food before adding others in.
Additionally, try to buy quality snacks since these will help improve the growth rate of your assassins; healthy snacks make all the difference when it comes to growth! With proper care, your assassin snail will live a long and happy aquarium life free from hunger and potential predation of other inhabitants.
Keep the Mystery Snails safe
If you have a weak, or baby Mystery snails, make sure you keep them in a separate tank. This way you will minimise any risk associated with the mature and hungry snails trying to attack these less capable tank mates.
Reduce Assassin Snail Quantity
Don’t over populate the number of Assassin snails, start with one or two depending on your tank size, the last think you want is assassin snails dominating your tank. Think less is more when it comes to these snails.
Make sure snails cant escape
Its important to make sure that the aquarium is covered as much as possible. This serves as an effective measure to prevent escapes, as well as guard against predators. Additionally, if you use a power filter, it should be equipped with a pre-filter sponge in order to avoid trapping or injuring the snails inside the filter’s slats.
It is also important that these little critters have plenty of room to explore and adequate substrate depth for them to burrow in search of food. A fine substrate is recommended since Assassin Snails prefer soft substrates. Aquatic plants are another great addition, providing hiding places and patches of shade for them to pass time exploring when out of their shells. By making sure all these safety regulations are adhered to, one can rest assured that their snail inhabitants will live happy and healthy lives in their new aquatic home.
Assassin Snails eating habits
Feeding assassin snails is relatively easy since they spend most of their time buried in sand or mud and don’t require frequent meals. One or two snails a day are enough for them to stay healthy and not starve.
It is important to feed them well and monitor how many they eat per day as it can be tempting to overfeed when trying to get rid of excess snail populations in an aquarium. Having too many assassin snails can also damage other creatures like fish, shrimp, and plants due to their well known voracious appetite. As such, carefully monitoring how often you should be feeding them will ensure that your tank remains healthy and balanced with harmony.
Assassin Snail Behaviour
Previous beliefs about Assassin Snail behavior suggested that they were nocturnal and would bury themselves in substrate during the day, but recent studies have disproved this assumption. In fact, the research has found that their general activity levels remain relatively consistent throughout both the day and night.

Assassin Snails have sensors that allow them to detect food sources which have been placed in the tank. This was proven in a case study conducted by researchers, who placed tropical fish flakes into the tank while registering activity levels of an Assassin Snail. The results showed that once the snail realized that there was food present its activity increased significantly. This is a prime example of how these snails can detect food sources just based off of what they pick up with their sensors.
Are Assassin Snails aggressive?
Assassin snails are known for their predatory behavior, but they are generally peaceful and non-aggressive. They do not attack living creatures such as fish, mollusks, or amphibians, rather they feed off of other snail species in the aquarium. When food sources are scarce or when the assassin snail is very hungry, it will hunt down and consume other snails with its sharp proboscis. While these snails are slow movers, they can quickly deplete the snail population within a tank if given free reign.
Assassin Snail Life Span
Assassin snails can live up to 3-5 years if they have access to a safe environment with ample food supply. So take this into consideration, as its likely the assassin snail will out live your mystery snail colony at least possibly two times over. Remember, when adding an assassin snail, its not a short term duration.
How to create a harmonious environment for Assassin Snails and Mystery Snails
- Check that your tank size is large enough to sustain both populations without competition for food or resources.
- Make sure that there are plenty of hiding places such as rocks and logs for the mystery snail to retreat when being chased by an assassin snail.
- Regularly ensuring that the water level and pH balance are suitable for both species will also prevent health issues and stress between them.
- Provide each type of snail with its own food sources can help reduce competition and aggression between them.
My Assassin Snails Attacked Mystery Snails
Unfortunately in my own experience, I have seen Assassin Snails attack and kill Mystery Snails when kept together in the same tank. So while I suggest its is generally, save, make sure you adhere to the points I mention, as when I was starting out, this knowledge was hard to find and I just let the two snails go for it!
I also find Assassin snails will usually prefer to target baby mystery snails due to their smaller size. That said, introducing a few carefully chosen assassin snails into large aquariums where mystery snails are reproducing freely can actually be beneficial in controlling snail populations; however this should only be done by experienced aquarists who understand the risks.

In Summary – Do Assassin Snails Eat Mystery Snails
In conclusion, assassin snails are great freshwater pet options for aquariums that aren’t as demanding when it comes to snail care. Their attractive shells, interesting personalities, and hardy nature allow them to be perfect additions to any freshwater tank.
Not only that, but they also provide a beneficial task of consuming pest snails and meaty residues, making them a great way to keep freshwater tanks clean without the need for excessive maintenance. Keeping assassin snails can also be a fun challenge for anyone who is looking to start their own tank or add an extra element of diversity to an existing one.
Take care when pairing Assassin snails with Mystery snails, but don’t exclude this combination. With time and consideration, you will be able to have both snails living happily in a single tank