
Shrimp Hiding Places in fresh water tank

Shrimp Hiding Places

Clint Green

Providing the shrimp with hiding places helps reduce their stress levels from potential predators in the tank as well as ...

Shrimp Moltnig

What causes shrimp molting

Clint Green

Molting is an important process for shrimp to go through in order to survive and grow. Without molting, a shrimp’s ...

Black Shrimp in Tank
Black Shrimp

Caring for Black Shrimp and Black Rose Shrimp

Clint Green

The Black Shrimp is an exquisite species of freshwater shrimp, renowned for its captivating coloration. This rare variety of Neocaridina ...

Close up of Blue Diamond Shrimp face
Shrimp Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond Shrimp

Clint Green

I have had a few requests to cover these shrimp, so lets get started in this short overview covering these ...

Shrimp in tank with a filter
Shrimp Shrimp Filter

Do Shrimp Need a Filter

Clint Green

Most shrimp tanks require some kind of filtration to guaranteed the water quality stays stable and safe. This is especially ...

Betta Fish Shrimp

Can Betta Fish Live With Shrimp

Clint Green

When it comes to living together, shrimp and betta fish may seem like an unlikely duo, and in fact, I ...

Ghost Shrimp in tank
Ghost Shrimp Amano Shrimp

Amano shrimp vs ghost shrimp

Clint Green

Choosing between Amano shrimp and ghost shrimp can be tough. But fear not! This guide compares the two popular species ...

Netire Snail in tank with green grass next to shell
Nerite Snails Shrimp

Nerite Snails with Shrimp

Clint Green

When it comes to having a successful shrimp tank, Nerite snails should be an essential part of the setup. Not ...

Assassin snail and shrimp in tank

Best Snails for Shrimps

Clint Green

Adding snails to a shrimp tank can be a great decision and have many benefits. Snails are excellent cleaners, consuming ...

Back end of snail and tail with a small amount of snail poop visible
Shrimp Aquatic Snails

Do Shrimp Eat Snail Poop

Clint Green

Snails may seem like a nuisance to some aquarium enthusiasts, but they can be incredibly helpful. Not only do snails ...

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