Can I keep snails and shrimp together
Due to their peculiar anatomy and color, assassin snails are an attractive addition to any aquarium. However, a common question among shrimp breeders is whether Assassin Snails and Shrimp are compatible or if the assassin snails will eat the shrimp.
Unfortunately, the answer is that assassin snails will consume almost any invertebrate smaller than them, including shrimp. While this species feed on dead organic matter in the wild, their behavior in captivity can change based on what is available for food.

Although there have been reports of assassin snails attacking smaller shrimp in some aquaria, there are no hard statistics as to how frequently this happens or why. It could be because they are hungry and looking for quick bites, or they may simply get confused while eating algae and accidentally graze upon a nearby shrimp. Regardless of the reason behind it, these scenarios never end well for the poor shrimp involved.
To circumvent this from happening, make sure that your tank always has adequate scavenging foods like dried bloodworm or bottom-feeder tablets so that your Assassin Snails don’t feel compelled to snack on your prized creatures instead.
Are assassin snails And shrimp Compatable
Assassin snails are a type of aquatic invertebrate that have an interesting way of hunting for prey and can also double as a scavenger. Like many carnivorous animals, assassin snails hunt with an opportunistic approach, meaning that they feed not only on live prey but also carrion. The crafty shellfish use two distinct ways to catch food – ambush tactic and crawl and catch.
Using the ambush tactics, assassin snails will often hide in crevices beneath the substrate until their prey unknowingly approaches. In this situation they can wait days until they go into action; when they sense anything edible nearby they will rapidly extend their long neck and tentacles out of hiding to snatch their meal, which could be anything from small fishes to other mollusks or crustaceans.
When this method doesn’t work, assassin snails will grab onto whatever is available using the second method – run crawl and catch. Using these combined techniques greatly increase their odds for finding food in the wild.
Assassin Snails and Shrimp Interaction
The Assassin Snails are typically very active creatures. Studies have shown that they do not vary their behavior in relation to the time of day; rather, these snails will remain active no matter what. Regardless of the fact that many articles say that these snails are indeed nocturnal animals, it is not necessarily true for all individuals. What’s more interesting about them is that not only can they be laterally active during various times of the day, but also possess an ability to sense food!
Scientists who studied this species discovered that as soon as their activity level was at its lowest point, a small amount of staple food (tropical fish flakes) were added to the tank – immediately influencing a behavioral response within the Assassin Snail colony.

Furthermore, some experts argue that the reason why these fascinating mollusks change their behavior due to smell is so they could dig differently shaped holes depending on their dietary needs; without needing additional stimuli like light or temperature changes. In any case, it is essential to note that unlike its common name suggests, these snail are anything but “assassin-like” and feel most at ease living in a densely planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots near the substrate.
With regards to their interaction with shrimp, they will usually ignore them – unless of course, there is food around. Still, it is always better to be safe than sorry and so it would be wise to feed your Assassin Snails separately from the rest of your tank inhabitants in order to avoid any potential conflicts.
Will assassin snails eat shrimp?
Assassin snails aren’t always the villains that some people make them out to be. While it is true that they will eat shrimp, this isn’t always a scene of tragedy. I have personally seen assassin snails, along with shrimp, in the same aquarium without any deaths occurring. I have seen assassin snails eat dead shrimp carcasses, but never seen them actively attack living members of the tank. This could be because they generally prefer slowly moving targets and don’t feel threatened by the swimming behavior of most healthy and active invertebrates.
In addition, many tanks with sniper snails do benefit from their presence as they scavenge for food, aerate the substrate, and consume pests such as ramshorn snail or Malaysian trumpet snail infestations. It could also be because the killer snails are more patient than some might think; they may wait until all other food sources are exhausted before attempting to hunt a live target in earnest—if at all. Though this doesn’t guarantee against attacks on any particular fish or invertebrate species in every situation imaginable, it does suggest that aquarists can feel safe in using both assassin snails and shrimp if needed in small tanks and
Do Assassin snails ignore shrimp?
Assassin Snails often shy away from shrimp, even if they are placed in the same tank as them. The reason for this is that shrimp are strong and active creatures, and assassin snails will almost never waste energy on hunting them when much easier targets can be found. Therefore, unless an aquarium keeper purposefully puts a snail together with a weak or ill shrimp, these predators should avoid their fellow tank inhabitants.
As with all predatory organisms, it is possible that an assassin snail may go against its natural inclinations and consume one of the shrimp in the tank. Unfortunately there’s no way to predict when this might happen – making it doubly important that tanks which house both species are carefully monitored by the owner.
If an overly curious or aggressive snail does not seem to heed either warnings against eating the shirmp or efforts to stop it from doing so, then it must sadly be removed from the tank altogether. As such, adding assassin snails into an already established system with any type of active shrimp should always be done carefully lest other tankmates be put in danger.
What happens if Assassin Snails are Hungry?
What happens when it doesn’t have adequate amounts of protein available to it? The answer is simple – it will hunt and prey upon organisms which are not usually part of its diet. It has been known to consume different types of pond snails as well as Ramshorn and Malaysian Trumpet snails, Bladder snails, and other unwanted varieties in the aquarium. Size does not seem to matter for an assassin snail; if it can grab its prey and swallow it whole, then it will do so without hesitation.

Unfortunately, some hobbyists have reported that their assassins were also devouring shrimp fry or softer types of snail eggs. This means that keeping track of the amount of protein an assassin needs is essential lest they end up munching on valuable creatures residing in the tank!
However, this should not sway anyone from owning one: with proper care and a nutritious food source available to them, assassin snails could be beneficial additions to any ecosystem by helping keep populations of troublesome pests under control.
Expert View

With many years of experience establishing and maintaining shrimp tanks with snails my opinion that assassin snails do not kill shrimp. These creatures need access to plenty of food, and if they don’t get enough substance in their diet, they may turn to eating other organisms as a source of sustenance. While this may put your shrimp at risk of being eaten by more aggressive specimens, it does not mean the snails hunt down and kill entire populations intentionally.
Having said that, I do have friends who have a different view. they believe there is always a chance that assassin snails can go into ‘rogue’ mode and begin hunting down shrimp colonies. This behaviour displays almost predatory-like characteristics and so has been dubbed ‘rogue’.
These days it is quite rare for any snail type to display this characteristic as most have been bred to be non-aggressive towards fish or other invertebrate species. Nonetheless, it is important to take precautions when keeping assassin snails in an aquarium with other fish – especially those with small fragile bodies like shrimps – as there may be some issues with its aggressive behaviour in extreme cases.
What should I feed Assassin Snails to stop them eating Shrimp
Assassin snails are carnivorous and scavenging creatures that can help clean up any meaty leftovers in a shrimp tank. This makes them ideal for heavily populated communities but they must also be provided with a diet high in protein as they do not eat most plants or algae like their fellow snails. In addition to feasting on his favored shrimp cuisine, assassin snails will gobble up all kinds of dead or live organisms.
Included in these tasty morsels is the occasional fish fry, sinking insects, small earthworms, clams, freshwater mussel scrapings, frozen bloodworms and other live foods such as Mosquito larvae. A well-rounded diet for assassin snails should include a combination of animal sources like these to promote healthy digestion and growth as well as provide the necessary nutrients for survival.
To make sure your assassin snail is thriving in its environment, it’s important to offer an adequate food variety that suits its preferences to ensure its longevity and satisfaction within the ecosystem.
How many snails per gallon in a Shrimp tank
When keeping Assassin Snails in the aquarium, it is important to keep an eye on the bio-load. This can refer to how many organisms an aquarium can safely accommodate without becoming too overstocked or having water parameters become unstable. Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb is to have no more than 5 Assassin Snails per gallon of water. However, this number can vary based on the size and general conditions of the tank as well as other factors such as filtration system quality, substrate type, and lighting set up.

For beginners just starting out with keeping Assassin Snails, a good approach is to introduce one snail per gallon of water and monitor them closely for any signs of stress or strain. If the aquarium seems healthy and there are no visible signs of distress among the inhabitants you may gradually add additional snails until you reach your desired number per gallon.
It’s also important to note that these snails should not be kept with aggressive fish species as they are very shy creatures. Therefore it’s best to research before introducing them into your own personal aquariums ecosystem!
Interesting, a reddit member posted a really interesting video of an assassin snail eating shrimp. This does indicate, under some conditions it is possible. Remember the key points indicate above and consider the overall health of your tank to manage and mitigate as covered in this article.