Snails may seem like a nuisance to some aquarium enthusiasts, but they can be incredibly helpful. Not only do snails eat algae and help clean up the tank, but their poop (frass) is also beneficial for shrimp. A common question in the shrimp and cherry shrimp community is, Do Shrimp Eat Snail Poop? Interesting, but important statement.

Snail’s waste contains bacteria that aids in the digestion process of the scavengers, allowing them to receive essential nutrients while they explore their environment. As a bonus, some species of snails are even capable of creating infusoria that shrimp are especially fond of eating.
The infusoria created by snails is often an acquired taste for shrimp and other crustaceans in the aquarium. In fact, when these aquatic animals first arrive at the store, they may not show any interest in this type of food – that is until they establish a colony in their own tank. With the help of snails and their nutritious feces, shrimp will find this important source of energy as they explore and feed on anything available throughout the day.
Not only is it cost-efficient to feed your tank with snail waste products but it’s also beneficial for them too!
Do Shrimp Eat Snail Poop?
In the wild, these crustaceans can be found scavenging for bits of leftover food on the bottom of nature’s bodies of water. This includes munching on all sorts of unappealing delights: detritus, debris, leftovers from dead animals and yes, even snail droppings.
Owners of shrimp are able to take advantage of this appetite for filth and use it to both decorate their tank with decorations that offer snails natural hiding places as well as make sure their aquarium stays clean.
Most snail types in aquariums will clean parts of the tank by eating algae and other small bits of grub that accumulate; however, the slime trails – aka poop – they leave behind are often still palatable for cherry shrimp who seem to relish them. This is beneficial as healthy amounts of snails add another layer to a biodiverse aquarium while also helping keep debris at bay.
Dont over populate your snails
Controlling the snail population in your tank is important for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. While snails provide benefits to the shrimp tank, an overpopulation can cause a multitude of problems such as consuming excess food and releasing toxins into the water that can harm other creatures living in the tank.
Preventing an overpopulation of snails is much easier than trying to eradicate them after they have become a problem, so learning how to keep snail populations under control should be a priority if you are keeping snails in your shrimp tank.

The two most effective methods used to control snail population are assassin snails and a snail trap. Assassin snails will feed on their own species, and therefore act as natural predators that can help to reduce the snail population in your tank.
Snail traps are also quite effective and typically involve placing some type of bait inside a container or jar with openings big enough for small snails to enter but not large enough for them to exit without assistance. Both methods can be highly successful at controlling the number of snails in your aquarium if used properly with regular maintenance.
Shrimp eating snail eggs
Another source of food for shrimp is from snails eggs. While snails reproduce via eggs, these eggs will contain similar amounts of nutrients as natural food sources, so the shrimp may try to consume them as well. Snail eggs may provide an extra energy boost to the cherry shrimp while helping ensure more baby shrimp begin populating the aquarium! Although it might sound strange at first, these little scavengers will eagerly search for any available food source – including snail eggs and poop!
Shrimp make excellent tank mates to have alongside snails due to this capability as both of them have a lot that they can share with each other-plus both make for attractive additions too! It might sound crazy but it’s true: you don’t just have to stick with algae wafers as a staple diet for your cherry shrimp – they are very versatile omnivores and can help clean up any leftover remains from snails as part of their daily meals.
Snail poop overload
While snail waste particles do not dissolve into the aquarium water, they can still have a major effect on the aquarium environment over time. As the poop builds up, it can affect the tank’s pH balance and contribute to the hardening of the water. If left unchecked for too long, this imbalance could prove fatal to aquatic life in the tank.
Therefore, regular maintenance should be practiced to combat any potential risk from snail poop buildup. Removing any visible piles of debris as soon as possible is key to maintaining a balanced tank environment. Additionally, tanks should be cleaned every two weeks to eliminate any built-up matter that isn’t visible in plain sight. This simple practice can help ensure your tank stays healthy and its inhabitants remain happy and safe!
Ensure you have the right size tank for your shrimp and snails, this will minimise the risk of excessive build up and overload.
How to remove excess snail poop from your shrimp tank
Snail poop can often be a major nuisance to shrimp owners, as it tends to stick and stains the tank’s decor, ornaments, substrate, and even the tank itself. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to remove snail poop from your aquarium.
One of the first steps of removing snail poop is by completely emptying out the aquarium so that you can access all areas of the tank thoroughly. If it is present on any ornaments or substrate, simply use a soft sponge with some mild soap and hot water to scrub off. If there are any dried up bits that don’t come off by scrubbing, a stronger solution such as vinegar can help shift it more easily.

For snail poop that has been stuck on the glass panes of your aquarium, use a softer cleaning cloth soaked in vinegar when wiping them down. The vinegar works especially well for this purpose because its acidic nature helps break up dirt easier and faster than its alkaline counterparts. Additionally, it removes traces of calcium deposits which will help keep your aquarium looking sparkling clean in the long run.